The roof on your home is an important area that requires proper maintenance. Promptly making repairs to damaged areas may extend the lifespan of roofs. Most homeowners anticipate that their newly installed roofs will last for many years. In most cases, roofing materials will last a long time. Many roof material manufacturers offer impressive warranties, which can help homeowners to have peace of mind.
You need to know that even with the best maintenance schedule and adherence roof damages can occur. There are some issues that will be out of your control and can pose a threat to your roofing system. Unforeseen occurrences related to weather, climate, and nature can all impact the integrity of your roof. The following are potential issues to be aware of.
Large Trees
This represents a threat that may get overlooked by some homeowners. This is usually due to them being accustomed to the daily view of their properties and likely an appreciation for the beautification that trees can add to properties.
Overhanging tree branches pose a threat to rooftops because the large branches may break and land on top of roofs causing damage to the roof materials. A serious issue that could arise is that large pieces of trees can break through roofing systems and expose the interior of homes to potential damage. This type of damage makes homes vulnerable to roof leaks and should be treated as an emergency. If you do not want to get rid of problematic trees and eliminate the risk of roof damage, ensure you keep the branches trimmed.
Your roof may get exposed to various types of precipitation depending on where your home is located. If a roofing system is poorly designed or does not properly drain, melted snow and ice can form puddles and expose the roofing materials to prolonged moisture. This can cause the materials to deteriorate or may promote the growth of unsightly substances like mold or algae. Rainy seasons will also cause these mishaps. Some roofing systems do not drain properly because of clogged, damaged, or missing gutters or downspouts. Getting routine maintenance will aid in identifying problems and correcting them in a timely manner.
Pest Infestations
You may get a pest infestation if you have compromised areas of your roofing system. Pests look for holes and gaps in building materials to gain entry into homes for shelter. Inspections can reveal these areas and contractors can seal them off or make repairs to discourage pests from attempting to gain access. Certain pests are attracted to moisture-rich conditions. This is why it is important to have a working drainage system in place.
For more information, speak with a roofing contractor.